Talking with Telmo Mourinho Baptista, EFPA President

Telmo Mourinho Baptista, EFPA President
Tomorrow begins the European Congress of Psychology in Moscow, at the same time as Telmo Mourinho Baptista ends his first four-year term as president of the EFPA Executive Council.

What do you think will be the main challenge to psychologists in the near future?

I think the main challenge for psychologist in the near future is to follow the developments that artificial intelligence (AI) is introducing in all kinds of services, including psychology. We are at an important point where we still have the time to participate in the debates that occur around the development of AI and the consequences for the citizens. There are many issues that need to be discussed,  like ethical choices, privacy and psychological consequences of a world that is dominated by Ai, instead of a world that has AI at the service of humankind. This is not farfetched, this future is already here, and we don’t seem to notice it in all the different applications that surround us, like personal assistants (ex: Siri, Alexa) or intelligent homes. I think the participation of psychologists is crucial at the different stages of development, and Europeans have started an important exemple of concern for the development of responsible AI. We must participate in this discussion 

Can you talk a little bit about some of the big issues that you have been advocating being president of the European Federation of Psychologists Association (EFPA)?

I have been advocating in general for a more psychologically informed process of decision. It is strange that with our solid knowledge about human behaviour we do not have a strong voice in policy making. There are already good examples, like the behavioural units that some governments created, but there is ample possibility for the different policies to benefit from psychological knowledge.
I also have been advocating for the development of the Europsy, in order to have more Europeans as Europsy holders.  Europsy is a great achievement, and we need to develop it, and discuss further developments, like specialities, and the competencies that are involved at the different levels. Working with the Universities is a priority, so that they can prepare their students to become Europsy holders.
Another aspect that I have been advocating is for the diversification of services to deal with mental health problems. We need to consider other forms of delivery of services, not just the one on one encounter. Group, organization and community interventions should be more applied. We need also to consider the impact of the digital world as a way of helping to deliver services. This implies new roles for psychologists, and collaboration with other professions in a more ample way. 

What’s the role of psychology for peace worldwide and what do you think that must be improved for that purpose?

Psychology can be of great help in peace processes. Improving communication between opposing parts,  understanding the needs of the people involved, negotiating and mediating conflicts, following up on the achievements to allow for permanent change,  are the type of activities that psychologists are experts. There is strong science that supports psychological interventions in peace processes,  We can assist in the reparation processes, to bring true peace to the hearts of people, allowing them to have a better life.I have seen testimonies of these processes and I wonder why psychologists are not used more in the peace processes. I guess the general public, and even decision makers, don’t know enough go our training and how we can be of help. 

For universal health coverage

With regard to World Health Day, it is important to highlight some of the most overlooked aspects of health.  The World Health Organization (WHO) has given universal health coverage the highlights this year, reinforcing the goal of ensuring that everyone gets the health care they need, close on time (when they need it), close in place (in their community), close to their situation (what they need).  It is also important to recall WHO's definition of health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not only the absence of disease or infirmity".

 It follows that in order to comply with the definition of health and with universal health coverage, despite all (and that is a lot!) of what we have already achieved, much still remains to be done.  It is only in recent years that the importance of prevention and of behavioral causes of many diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, depression, anxiety or obesity, has gained increasing attention from the population and policy makers.  It is only recently that the gaps in access to services provided by psychologists, whether in relation to physical, mental and social well-being and related living habits, or in the intervention of mental disorders have gained more expression and visibility, although much needs to be done. Without creating the conditions for citizens, particularly the most vulnerable, to have access to this type of health care and prevention, either at the level of primary health care or community projects, or at organizations preventing and intervening in psychosocial risks or in schools  helping to promote adjustment, school success and protective socio-emotional skills for development and a healthy life we can’t sustainably pursue a universal physical, mental and social health.

 We are living a decisive moment when it comes to health.  Citizens are more than ever the primary decision-makers and decision-makers who will ensure more and better health for future.

The future of Europe

The future of Europe. What happens in European Institutions concerns all of us. Besides elections where participation from EU citizens it’s crucial, we need to engage in this discussion about the future of European Union. Making Europe closer it’s our responsibility too.

Psychology contributions to Europe sustainability

Psychology Day 2019, European Institutions
We are more than Portuguese, British, Swedish, Spanish, Belgium or any other nationality citizenship. 
We are Europeans and citizens living on planet earth, lucky for having a legacy called peace in our land and the responsibility to pass it to the next Generations. If we try to solve people psychological needs and major societal challenges just in our country, we can’t solve it, not even in our country. That’s why we need to share, to meet and discuss here at the European Level.
Psychology insights can contribute to address society complex problems.
Laws, procedures and politics have everything to do with human behaviour, that’s why we need psychological science to design better public policy and to mobilize citizens to comply and help to promote behavioral and perceptions changes, in order to achieve a more sustainable environment, more social cohesion and well-being in Europe and World.
We need psychology to know the behavioural causes of social phenomena and to prepare people to cope with consequences of such behaviours or some scenarios.
Psychology is a behavioural science, dealing with the human being across all the life span in every society context, developing since the 19th century and giving birth to 2 Economy and 1 Medicine (for two psychologists in a 3 person team) Nobel prize winners in the last 20 years, with 3 hundreds thousands professionals in Europe and evidence based data critical to understand who we are, how we behave, how we motivate, how we make decisions, learn, think, lead or express our emotions. We have to deliver our knowledge and skills to society and decision makers have to listen and use our contributions to better building and implementing policies and to be effective on their roles in the benefit of all of us.
It's with this major purpose and to offer our contributions that Portuguese Psychologists Association’s with other national Psychology Associations promote this event. For citizens. For Europe.
Thank you all for being here, particularly to Sofia Ribeiro and Paulo Nascimento Cabral for the contributions for this day and I hope that this first Psychology Day here, gives the floor for a psychology in all days at European Institutions.

Francisco Miranda Rodrigues, Opening Speech
European Institutions Psychology Day
Brussels, 30.01.2019